
How Wide Is A 55-Inch TV? (Detailed Answer)

A 55-inch TV is a popular choice among buyers for its ideal balance between screen size and space efficiency. As the demand for larger screens grows, understanding the dimensions of a 55-inch TV becomes vital for making an informed purchasing decision. So, how wide is a 55 inch TV?

A 55-inch TV screen usually has a width of about 47.9 inches and a height of around 27 inches, without considering the bezel. The bezel’s size can vary depending on the brand. However, adding a few inches to both dimensions can give a rough estimate of its total size.

In this article, we will discuss the width of a 55-inch TV using simple language without any difficult slang.

The Dimensions of a 55-Inch TV

A 55-inch TV has a screen that is around 55 inches wide from one corner to the other, which is referred to as its diagonal dimension. However, the actual width of the TV, excluding the border, is the most essential parameter in determining how well it will fit in a given room. Let’s see how wide is a 55 inch TV.

The Width of a 55-Inch TV

The width of a 55-inch TV depends typically on the aspect ratio. Most modern TVs have a widescreen aspect ratio of 16:9. We can calculate the width using simple mathematics with this ratio. To do so, we divide the screen size by the square root of the sum of the squares of the height and width ratios.

For a 55-inch TV (with a 16:9 aspect ratio), the width can be calculated as follows:

Width = 55 inches / √(16^2 + 9^2)

We find that the width of a 55-inch TV after performing the calculation is around 47.9 inches.

The Width of a 55-Inch TV

The Height of 55-Inch TV

Likewise, the height of a 55-Inch TV can be calculated by dividing the screen size by the height ratio of the aspect ratio.

Height = 55 inches / 9

As a result, the height of a 55-inch TV is around 27 inches.

Exclusion of the Bezel

After finding how wide is a 55 inch TV, it is important to note that the width and height measurements mentioned above do not take the border into account. The border refers to the frame surrounding the actual screen.

The border is different in thickness depending on the TV model and manufacturer. Therefore, if you need to make sure that the TV fits in a specific space, consider the bezel’s dimensions as well.

Wall-Mounting Tips for Your 55-Inch TV

To save space in a small room, consider wall-mounting your TV. Every TV has different viewing angles, so find a comfortable spot for mounting. Usually, a 55-Inch TV should be mounted at 55-Inch from the floor to the center of the screen for a pleasant viewing experience.

Avoid mounting the TV too high to avoid neck pressure. However, this distance may vary depending on your room layout. Avoid mounting the TV above a fireplace, even if it is not in use. You can consider adjusting the room layout for a better viewing angle.

Wall-Mounting Tips for Your 55-Inch TV

Finding the Ideal Distance for the Best Experience

Manufacturers recommend an ideal viewing distance for TVs based on different factors such as vision coverage and image recognition. For movies, a farther distance creates a cinematic feel, while video games and desktops benefit from closer viewing.

Following the suggested 7.7 feet (2.34 meters) distance for a 55-inch TV is a good start. However, it is an estimate. People should find their best distance by experimenting. You should consider a suitable conference room TV for group viewing.

Finding the Ideal Distance for the Best Experience

Key features of a 55-Inch TV

55-Inch TVs offer many features that users may search for:

  • Full-array dimming with HDR improves brightness and details in white areas.
  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) improves color nuances and contrast on the screen.
  • 4K resolution provides a high pixel count, offering sharper visuals on the screen.
  • Full-array local dimming in 4K TVs improves the contrast between bright and dark areas.

Smart TV feature is required by clients as it allows access to streaming services and reduces reliance on cable and satellite subscriptions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the width of a 55 TV?

The width of a 55-inch TV is around 47.9 inches, which provides a large screen for immersive viewing experiences without compromising on space efficiency.

Q: How wide is a 55-inch Samsung TV?

The width of a 55-inch Samsung TV is around 47.9 inches, and its height is around 27 inches, excluding the bezels. This smart TV also offers a spacious screen for an enjoyable viewing experience.

Q: How far should I sit from a 55-inch TV?

For a 55-inch TV, the recommended viewing distance is around 2.34 meters (7.7 feet). This distance makes sure an optimal and comfortable viewing experience.

Q: What are the dimensions of the LG 55-inch TV?

The complete specifications of an LG 55-inch TV (55UK7500PTA) are the following:

Weight (With Stand) 17.6 Kg
Weight (Without Stand) 16.1 Kg
Width x Height x Depth (With Stand) 123.7 cm x 79.4 cm x 24.8 cm
Width x Height x Depth (Without Stand) 123.7 cm x 72.1 cm x 6.3 cm

Q: What is the width difference between 55 and 65 TV?

TV sizes are measured diagonally, so a 65-inch TV will be roughly 5 inches taller and 9 inches wider than a 55-inch TV. This represents a major difference between the two sizes.


A 55-inch TV with a 16:9 aspect ratio has a width of around 47.9 inches and a height of 27 inches. As you know how wide is a 55 inch TV, these measurements provide a rough idea of the size of the TV. This allows you to estimate whether it will fit comfortably in your desired space.

Don’t forget to consider the bezel dimensions when making a purchase decision. It can slightly change the TV’s overall width and height. Now you can confidently choose the perfect 55-inch TV for your entertainment needs.

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