Privacy Policy

We can understand that the privacy of our users is very important for our website. Especially when it comes to conducting any business. This statement is for those users who visit our website without any of the transacting business and for those visitors who register themselves to transact business on the website. Moreover, they can enjoy and use many services that are given by GadgetMeg.

Personal Information:

Any information that can identify, contact, or find the location of the person to whom this type of information is not limited such as username, phone no, address, email address, fax number, social security, financial profile, or credit card information. Personal information of anyone does not contain information which is demographic data that is not connected to any individual identified.

Which organization will collect the information?

Additionally, the collection of our information or any of the third-party service retailers like clearinghouses, banks, and companies. These companies offer such services as insurance, credit, and escrow services. They may gather data from our users and authorized visitors.

How did the websites use personal information?

To customize our website, we can use your information in that case. To create appropriate service aids and services. We can send emails to our visitors and regular visitors to get an update about our latest content or any other related information to the subject matters of our website. Furthermore, we can use our user’s personal information to contact them on some specific inquiries or to give the information which they request to us.

With whom we share your information?

Personal information about any of our customers is not shared with anyone. But in that case, if any of our authorized customers want to communicate with other authorized visitors. Then we may share the collected information of our customers. Furthermore, the personal information and data which is gathered by GadgetMeg are safely secure and stored, and access to this information is not given to any third parties or workers of GadgetMeg apart from those indicated above.

Is that cookie used on this website?

Cookies can be used for many reasons. We can use these cookies to get data about the favorites of our users and the services that they want to choose. Cookies can also be used for security reasons and purposes to look after our authorized users. For example, if our authorized user is logged in on the website for almost 10 minutes, then we will have our user login automatically.

How will our website keep your personal information secure?

All of the users of GadgetMeg are aware of our website’s security practices and policies. The personal information about our users and the authorized visitor is only accessible to a few qualified employees who will give the password to gain access to the data. We audit our processes and security system on a daily basis. Sensitive information of our customers such as their social security numbers is safely protected by encryption protocols.

Can any of the users deactivate or delete their information?

We give the authority to our customers to deactivate and delete their personal information from the database of the website. You just need to contact us at Basically. Because of the deletion of records and backups, it is impossible to delete the entry of visitors without holding some residual data. The person who requests us to deactivate all the personal information will delete all of their data. Furthermore, GadgetMeg will not sell, use, or transfer all of the personal information relating to our users.


The GadgetMeg website may contain some links to other sites. Keep in mind that when you are going to click on other website links. Surely, you will move to another site. Remember to read the entire privacy policy statements of these websites that are linked with us.